Sunday, April 4, 2010


Here is everyone who joined in on our
Easter CELEBRATION this year,
minus Grandma Joyce, who took AMAZING pictures...
Mommy and I on our way back up from the beach...

Grandma Joyce and I racing cars!

Grandma Joyce, Papa, Chi-Chi and Baby Merrick (my favorite!)

This picture pretty much captures the
essence of our personalities... :)

Looking at my 2 new vacuum (YES, vacuum)
Books that the Easter Bunny gave me.

Hunting for eggs with Grandma Lady

Found one!!!

West and I showing off our loot!

We were very good about sharing
all of the egg hunting duties!
Our gracious host, Auntie Ann and I...

Then my FAVORITE part of this day...
walking on the beach!

It actually wasnt too freezing out,
so West and I wanted to explore a little bit...

Nothing beats two of my favorite things...
the beach and Grandma Lady!

Auntie Kim joined in on our walk,
notice another one of my "sticks" I found
and toted ALL the way up the stairs by myself.
Chasing each other one the sand...

We really had too much fun together...

I sure wish West lived closer...
Taking one more minute to soak up
the fresh air and sound...

Then it was back to my stick...

What an Easter Blessing to have
such a beautiful day and
wonderful family to share it with!
We never once complained
about being cold,
we were both in heaven!
Trying to race the tide...

With LOTS of my aunties and uncles and cousins...

And finally time to relax with my best friend...
And my mommy...

And some of the most special people to me...
Happy Easter everyone! I love you!

1 comment:

Joyce said...

We all had so much fun! Papa sure loves you!