Thursday, December 30, 2010

A VERY happy boy!

All I wanted for Christmas
was the Shark Navigator...
and here it is in all of its glory!
I am one HAPPY camper!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Special Day!

This picture is a little late...
BUT, to get ready for Christmas,
Mommy and Chi-Chi took my cousins and I
to visit the big guy...
while we were waiting we managed to
take this nice picture!!
I love you guys very much and hope
we can see each other again soon!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Santa Stopped By...

On Christmas Morning, I woke up to find that
Santa had stopped by, but only with
enough time to fill up my stocking and eat some sweets...

I LOVED everything in my stocking,
that Santa sure does know me well!

A big box from mommy for me???

The "Weebles Treehouse" just like on tv.
I was soooo excited!
And my favorite 4 year old Caillou
riding a train... life is good!
I think I made out quite well here...
and I still had three places to visit :)
Even though I was REALLY excited about what I got,
I was so loving and kind and bought mommy
a gift of her very own also...
(with Grandma Lady's help of course :) )
We are so very blessed
and had a perfect morning together!We didnt need any mistletoe for this :)

Merry Christmas Everyone...
and my Shark Navigator VIDEO is coming soon!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Simple Joys...

Mommy overheard me single "jingle bells"
this morning, and came out to find me
spinning my new Thomas the Train umbrella
smiling, and being SO happy
(despite having hardly slept from my cold)...
She asked me "Spencer, are you happy?"
My reply "Yes, because I have such a nice home"
Pretty sure that was the best Christmas present
mommy could have gotten...

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Patience and I...

Patience got to come play yesterday!
I was MUCH nicer to her this time (thank goodness)...
We played our hearts out at Chuck E. Cheese,
then went to Grandma Ladys for some Pizza!
What a great way to spend our day!
If only it were Christmas Vacation all of the time!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Making a list, checking it twice...

Since just before Thanksgiving,
I have been collecting all of the
toy catalogs that come in the mail...

I will not permit mommy to throw
ANY of them away, and my favorite thing
to do is to thumb through and tell mommy
all of the things I desire for Christmas...
However, both of the times I have seen Santa this year,
I have been consistent with "a dog pillow pet and a
shark navigator vacuum" (because it NEVER loses suction I
make sure to tell everybody... )
We will see what Santa has in store for me in just
a few short days!!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My favorite Christmas Decoration...

Grandma Lady's Christmas Train!!!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Spencer the Chef

Yesterday at Grandma Cindy's
Poppy stayed home for the day
and we made "bulema", a jewish pastry together.
I LOVE to help cook.

and I am a very good helper!
Thanks for such a fun day!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Favorite Thing in the World...

Mommy wanted me to
stand by the Christmas Tree
in my new pajamas so that she could
take my picture...
I insisted that I stand next
to my vacuum instead... :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree...

Thank you Papa for bringing us our
Christmas tree and setting it all up today,
including my "Christmas Train".
Our house already smells so good!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving at the beach...

On Saturday we all headed up
to Auntie Ann's house
for the Zeigen family Thanksgiving...
It was cold, but we decided
to bundle up and head down to the beach!
We all had SO much fun playing...

Big sticks, sand, and lots of rocks to throw
were a perfect combination to make the
trip down even more special!
As always, I managed to find the
biggest stick that I could,
then tell everyone it was a vacuum ... :)
We even got all the supplies to make
a whole village of sand castles!
I had SUCH a fun time, I didn't want to leave!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Where have I been???

Working on my vacuum collection... :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

The best birthday present ever...

This is the birthday card I
made mommy...
She liked it so much she cried,
which for my mommy says alot :)

Busy Boy...

Being silly at Grandma Cindy's...
Practicing for the pros...
and the "tour de france..."

And devouring cupcakes to
help mommy celebrate her birthday! :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Little Dirt Devil...

It was my idea, mommy's persistence and
grandma lady's creative genius that
got me this for a halloween costume...
I was SO excited to be a dirt devil...
It was time to head downtown and
show this work of art off...

Othen then being a little hard to walk
in, I couldn't complain much.
I got SO many compliments, and
have no idea how
I will top this next year :)
Happy Halloween everyone!

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I think there's no denying we're family...

I hope you guys can come back soon,
I had so much fun with you!