Sunday, March 7, 2010

Birthday Party!!!

All I can say is what a
WONDERFUL birthday party I had!
I am pretty sure I have the best
family and friends in the entire world!


Weston and Merrick said...

Oh man... I can't believe we missed all that fun! Party, party! Party, party!
You look so handsome Spencer, Chi Chi can't believe how big and strong you are. We love you so much and can't wait to squeeze you soon.
I... love... you!

Joyce said...

Papa had one of the best afternoons of his whole life watching you have so much fun at your birthday party. You had so many wonderful friends and family there. Yoo are truly a wonderful young boy and I am so very proud of you. Your big red dust buster cake was the funniest cake I have ever seen. I love you very very much!