Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A day at the beach!

On Sunday, to try and beat the heat
mommy and I went to my
Great Auntie Ann and Uncle Jerry's house
at the beach!!
At first, it took a lot of getting used to
walking on these rocks!
Here mommy caught me in action...

Then, I fell. I was NOT happy.
I thought our day was doomed for sure.
Until Grandpa taught me how to throw rocks
into the water!!!
Life has suddenly gotten great again!

AND, Auntie Ann had a football
that we played with in the water!
After an exhilirating boat ride,
and watching mommy ski,
it was time to sit back and read my
favorite book!
Thanks for having us, I can't wait
to come and play again!


Weston and Merrick said...

Oh you lucky, lucky boy! What a special treat for you guys. Hope we can do it with you soon! Love you!

Tide Chaser said...

You and Grandpa always have a great time! You look very HAPPY!