Thursday, June 19, 2008


Today I encountered something quite awful...
my fifteen month vaccinations!
I knew as soon as we got into the office
that something was terribly wrong.
I had to get five separate shots,
Mommy had to leave the room
and Grandma stayed with me,
I don't know who was more upset
about this, me or mommy!
Here is another picture of the damage...

But, there was a light at the end of the tunnel,
the Grandma came through, as always,
and bought me a new playground
for her house! I love you Grandma!

Mommy and Grandma walked me to the park,
where I insisted on staying on the
"big kids" toy, and scaring
all the new friends I had made
by doing my loud yell and imitating
the Incredible Hulk!

Then, it was time to go home,
I decided to calm myself down
for bed by reading
all about a puppy!

It was a very traumatic day for both of us...
but, the day is about done,
and there's always tomorrow
for more kinds of fun!


Weston and Merrick said...

Spencer, Auntie thinks you're the toughest, most handsome boy I know. Sorry you had to get shots... Can't wait to see you next week!

Weston and Merrick said...
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Tide Chaser said...

Hey Fly boy! You look so tough with those bandages on your thighs! Keep your head up! When your little world gets rough,remember that you are loved and thought of often! We especially adore the picture of you and Mommy, you both look very happy!
Hugs and tickles,

Thompjac said...

I Love you guys. :) So cute.