After Clear Lake, we headed out to Bayview...
where nearly ALL of the Slotemaker Family
( minus grammy and grampy :( )
were gathering for dinner and fun!
I had my first hot dog, thanks to great Aunt Loretta!
Can you tell how much I liked it???
There were LOTS of puppies out here for me to play with,
AND, my very own camping bear chair!
I felt right at home.
I even got to meet my Great Uncle Dean,
daddy tells me the best stories about time with him,
and I can see now they are all true,
he was so much fun!
AND, of course Uncle Joe Joe was there,
he let me drive the RV for a LONG TIME
so mommy could relax!
Here I am with my great
Grandpa and Grandma Slotemaker.
Thanks for the presents!
I love you guys and am SO glad
I finally got to meet you both!