Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving at the beach...

On Saturday we all headed up
to Auntie Ann's house
for the Zeigen family Thanksgiving...
It was cold, but we decided
to bundle up and head down to the beach!
We all had SO much fun playing...

Big sticks, sand, and lots of rocks to throw
were a perfect combination to make the
trip down even more special!
As always, I managed to find the
biggest stick that I could,
then tell everyone it was a vacuum ... :)
We even got all the supplies to make
a whole village of sand castles!
I had SUCH a fun time, I didn't want to leave!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Where have I been???

Working on my vacuum collection... :)

Friday, November 5, 2010

The best birthday present ever...

This is the birthday card I
made mommy...
She liked it so much she cried,
which for my mommy says alot :)

Busy Boy...

Being silly at Grandma Cindy's...
Practicing for the pros...
and the "tour de france..."

And devouring cupcakes to
help mommy celebrate her birthday! :)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Little Dirt Devil...

It was my idea, mommy's persistence and
grandma lady's creative genius that
got me this for a halloween costume...
I was SO excited to be a dirt devil...
It was time to head downtown and
show this work of art off...

Othen then being a little hard to walk
in, I couldn't complain much.
I got SO many compliments, and
have no idea how
I will top this next year :)
Happy Halloween everyone!