Monday, November 12, 2007

Hood Canal!

This weekend we took a trip to Hood Canal to my Aunties' cabin!
It was SO FUN!!!!

Well the weekend started off great when
Uncle Joe met us in the ferry line,
it had been way too long since
we had some quality time together!

Here I am riding the pony that grammy and grampy
brought for me to play with! Yee Haw!

Uncle Joe taught me how to play football!

Look, I can do it by myself!

I had a great time, thanks for inviting me
Aunt Nancy and Aunt Loretta!!


Durango said...

Howdy Spencer-----

I heard from your ol' Granny Cindy that you'd spent a wild weekend on the peninsula, so I had to see if you'd blogged your latest adventure. I don't understand why you are training with a football. Even I know a baseball is the Slotemaker ball of choice. Maybe that has changed. Things seem to change quite drastically when one is gone for years and is thousands of miles away. Even so, you'll easily recognize me whenever you finally meet me. I'm a dead ringer for your Uncle Joey. Or Joe, which apparently you of the ultra younger generation call that favorite nephew of mine. And what is this Grampy and Grammy talk I'm reading? Slotemakerspeak for such things is Grandparentalfraternal Unit and Grandparentmaternal Unit, applicable to all who qualify. But, please, do not call me your Great Uncle Unit. Wait, changed my mind, that works for me.

Great Uncle D

Weston and Merrick said...

Don't you just love to travel? We've been pretty lucky to go to all these new places. Grammy and I have been throwing a ball too, can't wait to see you soon. Maybe we can all play catch.

Tide Chaser said...

We had a great time seeing you once again! You were especially cute when you were driving the motor home! Though the football was too large for you, you handled it with precise eye-hand coordination! Your world is getting bigger by every passing moment! We are very proud of ROCK!
Hugs & Kisses,