Monday, August 6, 2007

new toy!

Today daddy gave me a new toy!
He always wanted one when he was little,
and his daddy made him one!
I don't know who was more excited
that he found it, me or him!
Thank you daddy!
P.S. Please excuse my massive drool spot,
I am very close to getting my first teeth!
I can use my new boat to haul all of my
other toys!
Daddy informed me that this boat has
all sorts of wonderful features,
but my favorite perhaps is the
way the boat squeaks when I move it!

I think this will give me (and daddy)
enjoyment for YEARS to come!


Tide Chaser said...

What a great toy! your Daddy has always liked these vessels, and now you get to captain one of your own! Drive safely! Lots of love to you!

Unknown said...

Wow! Do you think I can play with your new toy when we come next week? I promise I won't accidentally take it when I leave... That wood looks pretty tasty to chew on...I have quite a few teeth now. Don't worry, the slobbering slows down soon.