Monday, August 27, 2007

I love to play!

Life sure has been fun lately...
Here I am with all of my
favorite things!

I had my first official playdate,
with Kennedy, she had all
sorts of neat toys and

Monday, August 20, 2007

a little culture...

Here are West and I having apples,
a wonderful American snack!
Here's West and I with my great-grandma Trudy,
she is from Germany and calls me all sorts of
silly names!
Here I am at Tara's Indian themed bridal shower,
I loved being the only boy invited!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

My first time out of the country!

Last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
Mommy, Grandma, Aunt Ali, Auntie Em, West,
and I went to Whistler!
Here are some of the pictures...
Here is a close up of me just leaving for
Here are West and I almost to Whistler,
can you tell we are getting VERY tired?

Here is Grandma, Auntie Ali, and I
in the gondola going to the top of the mountain!

The best part was meeting my Auntie Em,

Monday, August 13, 2007

I am very happy!

Here is me and West playing together,
we are getting to be the best of friends!
Can you tell I love the grandma?
But of course, mommy will always have my heart!

fun with daddy!

Daddy and I have been able to spend some
very quality time together lately...
Here are some of the things we have been doing...
Bakerview Park
I definitely liked the rings the very best!
With daddy's help, I went down this great big slide!

As you might be able to tell,
I do not think this toy was very fun...

All in all, the park was SO fun, I couldn't hold in my
excitement any longer!

But, as daddy says, we have to work hard to play hard...
I love relaxing out on the deck at work!

Monday, August 6, 2007

new toy!

Today daddy gave me a new toy!
He always wanted one when he was little,
and his daddy made him one!
I don't know who was more excited
that he found it, me or him!
Thank you daddy!
P.S. Please excuse my massive drool spot,
I am very close to getting my first teeth!
I can use my new boat to haul all of my
other toys!
Daddy informed me that this boat has
all sorts of wonderful features,
but my favorite perhaps is the
way the boat squeaks when I move it!

I think this will give me (and daddy)
enjoyment for YEARS to come!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy...

I have been up to my EYEBALLS in paperwork!

I am spending LOADS of time exercising my
body and brain in this fun toy!

Mommy was thrilled that out of all the puppies
Jake, the golden retriever, was my favorite!

Finally, time to relax in my chair!