Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend! Here are some things that I did...

Daddy says work before play, so I helped him
do some things on the computer.

Mommy introduced me to something called books,
I am not sure what they are, but I love them!

I made mommy keep reading more and more!

We got to go to Big Lake to see my daddy's family, this is my Great Grandpa. I think he looks very nice, I hope to be just like him when I grow up!

My cousin Kelli is my favorite!

I love my Great Uncle John so much! Mommy tells
me he is my new friend Gracie's grandpa too!

Well, as you can see, I had a very busy weekend, I had better go take a nap, because mom tells me I am in for more fun next weekend, my great aunties are coming to Bayview with Grammy and Grampy, so I better get my rest now!
Spencer Jack

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a weekend! We went camping too, but I wasn't so sure about the tent...I can't wait to read stories with you, maybe Auntie and Mommy can read to us together. I think you're almost as big as me Spencer! Why do you have to wear that bib? Are you getting teeth too?